Monday, March 11, 2013

The Charge #newrelease

Well, it's time for another promotional post for a dear friend of mine. Sharon Bayliss and I met through Curiosity Quills Press. She submitted her novel to us, and I had the pleasure of reading it. Now, she's published.

All thanks to mwah.

Okay, some of that might have to do with her talent. But only some of it!

I asked Sharon the same thing I ask every author: What Part of You is in Your Main Character. Here's her response!

Krystal Wade asked me to write about what parts of me are in my main character. I found this especially fun to ponder since my main character from The Charge happens to be an 18-year-old male. So, we're not exactly twins. But since his entire self comes from my own imagination, we must have some things in common. And of course, we do. Here is my list, in no particular order.

He's laid back.

There are some things in life that I take very seriously, but when it comes to the details of day-to-day life, I'm laid back to a fault. It drives my somewhat neurotic mother crazy. She usually calls or emails me more than once a day worrying about some random thing, and my answer is invariably some version of, "I'm sure it will all work itself out."

I wait until the last minute. I never know what time it is. I never know where my keys are.

Warren has a similar carefree attitude. He'd rather just go with the flow, but sadly for him, he doesn't have that choice.

He has a sense of humor (and he's a bit of a smart ass).

Warren and I have a similar sense of humor, which is fairly obvious if you think about it. I mean, I write all of his jokes. :) We like to poke gentle fun of others and ourselves. And we're not afraid to say whatever smart-ass remark comes to mind, even in less than appropriate situations. Fortunately for me, I've grown out of this a little bit, but alas Warren is still eighteen.

Warren and I both enjoy comedy in all forms. When he's stressed out and his world is falling apart, he turns on The Simpsons. That's me all the way. When I'm upset, my mind candy is the sitcom.

He really loves his little brother, who might be an evil genius.

My younger brother has been my best friend for a long time. And that's right, brother, I called you an evil genius. You know it's true! At least you're brilliant and beat to your own drummer. Probably not evil. :)

And I would go take on a King to save you if need be! :)

We're not interested in money or things.

Well, not that interested. I do like money and things, but both of us came from families that don't consider wealth to be very important. Like most people, Warren does have some fantasies about how nice it would be live in the lap of luxury in a palace. He could stop delivering pizzas and waiting tables. But riches really don't provide much a temptation to Warren. Nice to have, but not worth giving up his principles. And he's not ashamed that he grew up in a family where his mom had to work hard for everything they had, in fact, he's proud of it.

Warren and I also both love micro-brewed beer, food (just in general), and think a good cup of coffee can improve almost any situation. :)

Personally, I love writing in the mind of someone who's not exactly like me. I write better when I'm stepping out of myself, but nothing makes a character more real than tapping into your own self.

Thank you for the fun prompt, Krystal! And thanks for having me here.

~And thank you, Sharon, for stopping by. Make sure you check out her book!

The ChargeAmazon  ~ Barnes & Noble  ~ Facebook ~ Goodreads ~ NetGalley (free review copies)


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