Wilde's Fire

The exciting first book of the Darkness Falls series!


Monday, February 3, 2014


Hey Everyone, If you're still coming here to visit me, thank you. BUT I'VE MOVED. You can now stay up to date with all things CREEPY BOOKS and KRYSTAL WADE over at www.krystal-wade.com. I still blog, and if you want to subscribe to my feed, you still can. Sign up to receive posts by email: http://www.krystal-wade.com/blog Or, if you want to add my feed to your favorite reading device, you can do that too! http://krystal-wade.com/blog?format=rss Hope to see you over there soon! <3 Krys...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BIG News for Shattered Secrets!

You guys read all of Shattered Secrets's little teasers. You commented on them and made me feel special. The book has been edited, critiqued, beta-read, torn apart, through the ringer, edited and critiqued again. And NOW . . . now, after all of that, Shattered Secrets is going to be PUBLISHED by the wonderful folks over at Curiosity Quills. Yep, you will finally be able to read the book in its entirety. * and the crowd goes wild ... HOOORAYYY!...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Wow. I haven't written a blog for a while. I'm sorry. Honestly, I've been writing up a storm, but it's all taken place in the background, and I haven't found much time to break away to chat over here. It's difficult for writers to blog all the time, write books, edit books, market books--whatever. I didn't come here to complain. What I came here for was to tell you that I JUST FINISHED WRITING ANOTHER BOOK! Woot. It's called CHARMING, if you...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

FALL by A.K. Morgen, and More Random Babbling

More random babbling. Just kidding. I think I'm coherent enough to write something. What's that? Oh, Chris Charming, you're so adorably annoying. Crap! Once again caught up in my head. I better be quick about this. So, I asked AK Morgen (a very awesome friend of mine) about Character Continuity within a series, and below you'll find her answer. Make sure to grab a copy of FALL asap! Character Continuity: What the Heck was I Thinking?! One...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Best Laid Plans, and Random Babbling

Okay, so there are lots of new booksies coming out, and I am only one girl. I shall try, but I don't particularly think I can remember to post all these posts on certain days because I am more concerned with the book I am writing than with the world outside my head. Yep. It's true. Hate me if you wish. Point your finger and call me a lunatic, but I'll just ignore that and keep writing. In the meantime, I've agreed to host a dangerously long list...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

EVADE's Book Birthday!

Well, today is the day, folks. My amazing friend, critique partner, beta reader, last-minute-do-what-I-need-girl, Jessa Russo's second book in the EVER trilogy released yesterday, and today is my day to rave about it! Take a deep breath . . . Now SCREAM YAY! You know you want to because, OMG, she made us wait a year--a YEAR--before releasing this book after leaving us with that god-awfully wonderful cliffhanger. Who am I kidding? You're probably...

Friday, September 13, 2013


This may be one of my favorite series and one of my favorite authors. I love Toby and Frankie and Ever and all their problems. I can't WAIT for this to come out. And HA HA! I get to read it before you do. :-P In this thrilling sequel, Ever Van Ruysdael's race to beat the odds—and the clock—begins with the introduction of an integral part of her past. As secrets are revealed, and truths uncovered, she learns her imminent death is the least of her...

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